Final Fantasy X tells the story of a star blitzball player, Tidus, who journeys with a young and beautiful summoner named Yuna on her quest to save the world of Spira from an endless cycle of destruction wrought by the colossal menace Sin. Final Fantasy X-2 returns to the world of Spira two years after the beginning of the Eternal Calm. Having been shown a mysterious but familiar image in a sphere, Yuna becomes a Sphere Hunter and along with her companions Rikku and Paine, embarks on a quest around the world to find the answers to the mystery within.
- Brand New to PS4 – Take advantage of the PS4’s native features to share your journey across Spira like never before; Transfer your save and continue your progress across your PlayStation4, PlayStation3, and PlayStationVITA systems
- New 30 Minute Audio Drama – Intact from the PS3 version, players can listen to the events that occur after FINAL FANTASY X-2, narrated by their favorite characters and accessible from the title screen at any time
- Gorgeous High-Definition Graphics – In addition to the visual upgrades that the main character models, textures, and backgrounds received for the PS3 version, more NPCs and monsters join their carefully reworked counterparts
- High-Definition Audio – Play FINAL FANTASY X with the beautifully remastered soundtrack or, new to the PS4 version, switch back to the original classic tracks