Players take on the role of a young aspiring artist who enrolls in the Pokémon Art Academy to learn how to draw Pokémon under the tutelage of Professor Andy. Through novice lessons they are taught the basics of art, from simple shapes to coloring, and introduced to various tools and techniques they will use to create art.
- Grab your stylus and start your Pokémon-drawing journey in Pokémon Art Academy, launching this fall exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS systems.
- This Pokémon-themed installment of the Art Academy series offers Pokémon fans and budding illustrators alike 40 unique lessons to learn how to paint, sketch and draw beloved Pokémon characters in 2D.
- Along the way, students of Pokémon Art Academy can pick up actual illustration skills that they can transfer onto real canvas, or share their digital masterpieces with the world.
- Players can learn to draw many of their favorite Pokémon from all known regions
- Once drawings are complete, artists can share their Pokémon art using Miiverse and local wireless.
- The game is fun and easy for all ages and skill levels