The story takes place after the Ōnin War during the golden age of the Sengoku period, and features a story that centers on the lives of two of the most representative military commanders of this era: Nobunaga Oda and Mitsuhide Akechi. Choose from a number of new and returning characters while utilizing new abilities to take on evolving enemy forces.
- As the latest numbered entry in the Samurai warriors franchise, the story, characters, and visuals have been re-imagined to set the stage for a thrilling new series.
- Choose from a number of new and returning characters while utilizing new abilities to take on evolving enemy forces.
- Enjoy exhilarating strategic action on an evolved battlefield. Enemy forces continue to evolve as time passes in the story, making full use of a number of different military tactics to take on the player.
- All-new Musou actions have been added to the series – including newly designed Musou Frenzy Attacks – elevating the thrill of blowing away hordes of enemy soldiers in exhilarating fashion.