Experience survival horror like never before in Resident Evil Village, the award-winning eighth main installment in the genre-defining Resident Evil franchise. Set after the horrifying events of the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the adventure follows the journey of Ethan Winters to a remote snow-capped village filled with a diverse cast of terrifying enemies. After a devastating encounter with Resident Evil series hero Chris Redfield, Ethan pursues him in search of answers but finds himself in an entirely new nightmare.
- A New Perspective – See the eighth core entry in the Resident Evil series from a new vantage point in “Third Person Mode.” In addition to the intense first-person view players enjoyed in the initial release of Resident Evil Village, they can now watch Ethan in action and experience his journey from a new angle in Resident Evil Village Gold Edition and the Winters’ Expansion.
- The Story Continues – “Shadows of Rose” resumes the Winters family saga 16 years after the events of Resident Evil Village. The expansion’s new tale follows Rose Winters, the daughter of main protagonist Ethan, as she struggles with her terrifying powers. Explore the warped and twisted world inside the consciousness of the Megamycete in search of a cure.
- The Mercenaries Are Back and Bigger Than Ever – The beloved battle-the-clock mode, “The Mercenaries,” returns with new features. On top of the original content, “The Mercenaries Additional Orders” introduces fan favorites as new playable characters Lady Dimitrescu, Chris Redfield, and Lord Karl Heisenberg, each with their own unique abilities. This added content for Resident Evil Village Gold Edition and the Winters’ Expansion also includes new levels and other improvements.
- Bonus Game – Resident Evil Village will provide access to a free multiplayer experience titled Resident Evil Re:Verse, which releases alongside the launch of Resident Evil Village Gold Edition and the Winters’ Expansion. An all-star cast of iconic characters face off in four to six-player deathmatch battles in classic locations.