Directed and produced by the creator of treasured JRPG series Suikoden, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes provides a contemporary take on the classic JRPG experience. In the land of Allraan, two friends from different backgrounds are united by a war waged by the power-hungry Galdean Empire. Explore a diverse, magical world populated by humans, beastmen, elves and desert people, and recruit over 100 playable characters as you attempt to save this war-torn realm. Over four years in the making, and funded by the most successful Kickstarter videogame campaign of 2020, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes features turn-based battles, a staggering selection of heroes and a thrilling story to discover.
- Engage in tense, exciting turn-based battles where the verticality and obstacles of the combat environments impact your strategies. Also, take part in unique one-on-one Duels at key moments in the story.
- Encounter characters who will join heroes Nowa and Seign Kesling on their quest, all of whom are playable. Create a party using warriors with complementary skills and use them to your advantage in battle.
- Discover magical objects called rune-lenses. Place different runes in the lenses to apply a variety of enhancements to your party members, including magic, stat boosts, new abilities, auto-skills and more.