The Dead or Alive Tournament Executive Committee and hosts of Dead or Alive 6, DOATEC, already released the names of the first set of fighters involved in this instalment – including the owner of DOATEC, Helena Douglas. Other notable fighters include the eighteenth master of the Mugen Tenshin clan, Hayate, and past Dead or Alive (DOA) tournament winners; Kasumi of the Mugen Tenshin clan; the ultimate ninja, Ryu Hayabusa; the ever-entertaining host, Zack; and the most recent tournament winner, the scorching soul Jann Lee.
- Break gauge system: A special attack meter new to the series. Use the break gauge to execute new tactics such as a break blow or a break hold.
- Fatal rush: Fatal rush is a powerful combo attack of up to four neatly animated punches and kicks, making a first time player look like an expert.
- Fights in Dead or Alive are based on a triangle system: Strikes beat throws, throws beat holds, and holds beat strikes.