The story opens with a twin brother and sister learning to cook and manage a Small Cafe under their mother’s tutelage. All was peaceful and routine until One morning when the twins discover that their Mother has Fallen into a deep sleep and won’t Wake up. Suddenly, a strange old man appears to inform them that they must raise a Dragon in order to save her. Working together with three quirky Cafe employees, the two siblings must figure out how to a wrangle a Dragon and manage the family business while finding a way to save their Mother.
- Embrace your parental instincts and Raise your very own Dragon! through wise decisions, proper nutrition, and empathetic nurturing show the world the true potential of your Dragon companion!
- Learn new recipes and master the art of cooking while running your very own cafe. Explore the world, discover new ingredients, and expand your menu (and your Restaurant.)
- Grow your own – the tastiest dishes use the freshest ingredients, and the best way to insure that is to grow your own produce.
- Serve the people – feeding is nurturing, so you not only cook for your neighbors, but also help them with their problems to Increase your popularity and the general happiness of Everyone around you.